Friday, July 30, 2010

Anyone Still Use Radar Detectors?

Of all the technology I carry with me in the car the one thing I never think about is are radar detectors. I have a Tom Tom, iPod Touch, my cell phone, headset for my cell phone, but no radar detector.

Funny thing is that I drive on the highway a lot to and I ALWAYS speed. I may only be going 10 over, but sometimes I go 15 over, and have to pay strict attention the whole time because when you have as many points on your career driving record as I do the next ticket is probably a suspension of your license. Don't even get me started on how much my insurance costs :(.

Anyways, I figured I would just mention radar detectors since it was on my mind after getting another speeding ticket today. I won't learn my lesson so I may as well just add one more piece of technology to my bag of car toys.