Friday, October 12, 2012

Potential Counterfeit Airbag Installations

Having a counterfeit airbag will go unnoticed until it actually deploys the vast majority of the time. Unfortunately that will be too late. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)there are likely about 3,000 fraudulent bags out there right now in the last 3 years. Not a large number (in fact 0.1% of the total), but surely a significant one for anyone that gets one that harms them, or fails to protect. So if you are worried about it you should check into the list of vehicles that are considered to be in risk of having such a claim here. That page will also give you everything you need to think about to detect, or consider that you may have a counterfeit air-bag. You'd be better off putting a sof sole from on your steering wheel for safety than to have an air-bag that won't deploy properly.

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